Sunday, March 29, 2015

Where There is No Struggle, There is No Strength

I first heard this song tonight on The Voice, and the moment I heard it,  I knew that I had to write about it. The song "Warrior" by Demi Lovato is something I relate to so incredibly much, and I believe that anyone who has suffered with any type of pain, emotional or physical, should listen to this song.

I have felt an immense amount of pain; growing up I had to be five steps ahead of my age, I struggled with wanting to badly to be close to people who could relate to me and my heart longed for God. I had to go through quite a journey to find peace within myself. Today, dealing with chronic pain, the journey still continues,however, I have never felt such trust in my Higher Power.

I have been infuriated with pain ever since I began to feel it physically, not only did it alter my body and what it's capable of doing, I felt more alone than ever. Considering that I had struggled with finding friends in the past, having illnesses made it so much harder; no one wants to deal with it or hear about me "whine". I have realized that everything in my life happens for a reason; without my struggle, I wouldn't be the compassionate, understanding and genuine person I am today who strives to help others.

I am a warrior, I am a strong person who uses negative experiences and turns them into positives. I no longer am captive to my illnesses, I refuse to look at myself as a prisoner.

Today, I let go and let God..I consistently try to hand it over because at the end of the day, He knows what is best for me.

Click here to listen to Demi's song

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