Thursday, March 26, 2015

Meeting Dr. Piper

I honestly do not know where to begin when writing about this man; he gave me the hope that I needed to get my life back. Dr. Mark Piper is a brilliant, patient, genuine asset to the medical field and I would recommend him to anyone with any facial issues.

My first consult back in February 2014 was an all day affair! I traveled with my parents who were with me and by my side. This was very important to me considering I didn't have any emotional support and wasn't even believed by my family.

I walked into The Piper Clinic feeling scared and excited because I knew I would be diagnosed that day. I was greeted by the sweetest receptionist named Cassandra; I truly could tell she cared about each patient making sure to help them feel comfortable. Dr. Piper is a doctor who won't move on to the next patient without finishing with you first 100%- I was there for more than 12 hours that day because he made sure I understood my diagnosis and plans to the fullest extent.

In the exam room, waiting on Dr.P
I met Dr. Piper who assessed me and also used Doppler auscultation to confirm a diagnosis. The device used for the Doppler was nothing scary; it's a small machine that has a tube-like end to it, where it is then placed on each side of my face and gives reliable information regarding the status of the condyle and anything else that's going on inside! I then got a CT scan as well as an MRI. What did we find? Both TMJs: disc displaced with severe degeneration, condylar edema, Osteoarthrosis and major scar tissue.

Not only were my TMJs full of issues, my cervical spine was as well: abnormal, C2-C3 has slipped, which can cause headaches from back of skull to forehead and behind eyes; my entire vertebrae is shifted to the left.

I had never heard of CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) until this day when I learned I had it in my face. CRPS is a chronic systemic disease characterized by sever pain,  swelling, and changes in the skin. CRPS often worsens over time.

I received extremely thorough paperwork including EVERYTHING I was informed of during my consult, the conservative method I would be part of and if that did not work, what surgical procedure would be best for me.

I have never felt so safe in my life.

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